Workplace Singing


Away to Sing delivers workshops with choirs, undertakes consultancy aimed at recruiting new singers or music leaders and can develop work-place singing opportunities. 

We can COME TO PLACES OF WORK as a ready made musical team to:

  • introduce singing as a fun, healthy activity, relieving stress and developing skills;
  • develop a workplace choir where there was none before;
  • work with a few individuals interesting in singing as a hobby;
  • work with an established work-place choir on skills and recruitment strategies.

Away to Sing can demonstrate to employers that much can be gained from workplace singing. Research has demonstrated that:

  • developing singing and music skills also enhances achievement in other workplace training;
  • the workforce becomes happier and healthier;
  • the workforce becomes more productive;
  • working relationships both horizontally and vertically within the organisation develop;
  • hidden talents emerge not just related to singing but also in terms of management and leadership skills;
  • greater trust is generated across all levels of the workforce.

If you hire Away to Sing to come to your work place, we will:

  • develop recruitment and timetabling strategies with you;
  • work on marketing the opportunities within your workplace;
  • work with you to find a suitable rehearsal space;
  • establish a rehearsal routine within your work timetable;
  • bring all music;
  • bring any necessary accompanying instrument(s);
  • organise informal(and possibly formal) performance opportunities so that the group has a definite aim;
  • work with those involved to identify other singing opportunities outside the workplace.